Monday, December 04, 2006

You Want to Stick That Where?

After our good news of July 30, the next step was to call the doctor and utter those words that are changing our lives forever "I am pregnant". I don't know why it was so hard for me to get those words out. I guess if I had ever said it before that moment, I knew that I wasn't going to be prepared. But this time, we planned this out and were very prepared. I read in a book that the difference when you get to that "baby" point in your life is people's reactions to your good news. If this had happened in high school, college or even right out of college, the reaction that I would have received was "Ouch! I am sorry that happened to you. What are you going to do?" But the reaction we got since we are at this point in our lives was "Congrats! That is so exciting!" I am much more excited to receive the latter reaction.

So I called the doctor who set up an appointment for me two weeks later. I figured that it would be at least a month before I got into the doctor but because I had been so late (i.e. reason that I took a pregnancy test in the first place). How exciting! I had only a vague clue of what to expect from this doctor's visit. But when we got to the doctor's office, I was very nervous. I was so convinced that the doctor would say to me that I wasn't pregnant or I did the test wrong. What if there was nothing there and I had told our families for nothing. HOW NERVE WRACKING!!!!

We got into the doctor's office and was barraged with questions about our (Josh was with me) medical history, when I took a pregnancy test, my body's cycles, etc. After checking my vitals, leaving a present for them in the bathroom (urine sample) and getting my blood drawn, it came down to crunch time...the first ultrasound. I won't get into details but this wasn't an external ultrasound. Oh no...they were going in! I just looked at the ultrasound probe and said to myself "You want to stick that where?!?" Well, we started and I saw the inside of my uterus pop up on the screen with this little blob in the middle. The silence in the room was finally broken by the doctor telling me "there is something there but you aren't as far along as we thought." She wasn't 100% sure if she could see a "baby" in there or not because instead of being 8 weeks along or so, I was only 5, which was just too early to see anything because things were so small. She thought that she could see a blip of a heartbeat but wanted us to come back in two weeks for another ultrasound.

Josh was excited about the little blip he saw on the ultrasound. Me, I wasn't convinced so I wasn't too excited. Not to mention, I knew that all relatives would be calling me to see what had happened at the doctor's office. What was I going to say...

Well, first things first. The doctor wanted me to go to get my blood drawn 48 hours later to check my levels to make sure that I was producing the pregnancy hormone (HCG) at an increasing rate. This number usually doubles in 48 hours, hence the reason for a 48 hour blood test. So after my second blood test, the nurse calls me and tells me how my numbers are going up but not doubling. Great...more good news...But she told me not to lose hope and come back for my next ultrasound.

But the second ultrasound is a whole different story...


CygKnit said...

Would this be a bad time to mention that I didn't have to have ultrasound? I still feel lucky. Sorry you had to go through it, though!

Morah Wasserberg said...

I didn't have to have that done either. They did an external one to see how far along I was. Hopefully you won't have to have another one of those done!