Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Random Abigail Ramblings

A: Good job, oranges!
M: What? What are the oranges doing?
A: They are buckled in.

I wander over and she has carefully buckled in the bowl of oranges in her booster seat.


M: Goodnight. I love you.
A: I love you
M: If you need anything, what do you say?
A: Anything!!!!
M: If you need to go potty, what do you say?
A: Potty!!!!
M: If you need Mommy, what do you say?
A: Mommy!!!!
M: If you need a million dollars, what do you say?
A: Million dollars!!!!

Good night


M: That is my breast pump. What are you doing?
A: I pumping!
M: What are you pumping?
A: I pump milk for Madeline.
M: Okay. That is a little creepy.

Abigail just smiles with her shirt up and the breast pump pushed to her chest.


M: At the end of this show, it is time for dinner.
A: No!
M: Yes!
A: One Sesame Street then dinner.
M: How about one Elmo or Bert and Ernie then dinner.
A: No, one Sesame Street.
D: Abigail, you do realize that Mommy negotiates for a living.
A. One Sesame Street.

Abigail holds one finger up and I just melt at that smile.


Sprite's Keeper said...

That is so cute, I don't even need my 4pm snack.

Cajoh said...

Quotable quotes from everyday life.

Love it!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Cristin said...

so stinkin cute!