Friday, November 07, 2008

I Missed the Boat to Vote

Yippee to a Spinarific post. I have been so busy lately that I have missed the past few spins but I am getting in just under the wire for this week's.
My last post stated that I was going to be leaving Singapore this past Tuesday. It is now Friday night and after changing my flight plans four times, I am finally going to get onto the plane tomorrow. YIPPEE!!! I am so ready to go home. Because I had planned on only staying a week, I fully expected to be home in time to cast my ballot in this year's highly debated presidential election. I had, for months, known who I was going to vote for. In the great state of Florida, voters are allowed to vote early. The problem is standing in the lines to vote early. I left work around 2:00 P.M. before I left for Singapore to cast my ballot. The poll worker very politely told me that I could be looking to be in line for 1-2 hours. I figured that I could just vote early on the Tuesday I return and be able to cast my ballot. Leaving Singapore Saturday turned into Monday, Tuesday, Friday and now Saturday. That is 5 days after elections. I have not missed a vote since I was 18 and legally able to vote. It is not just a privilege to vote but a right and duty.

Being stuck in Singapore during the day of elections meant that I was not going to be able to vote. But here is the crazy justification. Because I was extending my trip, two coworkers were also forced to extend their trip and thus they were not able to vote. These two coworkers are staunch Republicans and already stated that they were upset that they were not going to be able to vote for McCain. But since I am a staunch Democrat, I was not going to be able to vote for Obama. So here is the math. By keeping them here, their two would be votes for McCain didn't count and my would be vote for Obama didn't count. Therefore, Obama won out after all. Get it?

Anyways, thankfully Florida's normally a red, Republican state but saw the light and voted blue. What is better is that Orange county voted Democratic. So I guess my "vote" did count after all.

1 comment:

Sprite's Keeper said...

Wow, A Singaporian Spin! I was wondering if you were going to make it back in time, but even though you didn't, the cards still fell the way you wanted! Great Spin! Sorry you missed the vote boat, but you definitely didn't miss the Spin boat. You're linked and I want to see you Spin next week. Relaxation. How does someone with so many stamps on her passport relax?