My precious Maddy-Boo. She continues to amaze me every single day. We are still being blown away by how much she does new on almost a daily basis. I actually was told by day care today that Madeline is the only kid in her class (12-18 month olds) that actually talks. She is not just saying 1 syllable words either. Full blown, understandable, 3 syllable words. Just this past weekend she asked for lemonade because Abigail had lemonade. Granted it came out em-ohn-ade but I think that is close enough for a 16 month old with not even 4 teeth.
Speaking of teeth, we finally are getting friends for the two teeth at the bottom. Of course I still love the little mouth with the two teeth but they were getting lonely. One popped out recently on top and thankfully the one next to it just popped out recently so she doesn’t look like a jack-o-lantern. One other friend who came to the party is a back molar. We have been having some periods of crying for no reason, which we knew meant teething, but was surprised when a molar came in.
One thing that Josh and I are amazed at is Madeline’s outgoing attitude and personality. Of course that also means she is very determined and wants what she wants. We have had to do a lot of policing because she wants something when Abigail has it and vice versa. Though it is still easier to distract her to a different toy. Abigail is a whole other story and often has a tantrum because of course Madeline has the one toy in the hundreds of toys that we have that Abigail NEEDS at that moment. But Madeline is her own person and it is funny how similar yet different are the two personalities. Abigail has always been clingy and scared of loud noises. I remember my parents got these singing monkey’s for Abigail (insert eye roll here) and it took her almost a year to warm up to them. Madeline just hears a loud noise and laughs as if to say “that is all you got”?
Of course there is a few words that she just refuses to attempt. Madeline has a Shamu stuffed animal that she sleeps with. Josh got it for her on her first birthday and it is adorable to see her snuggle up with this little whale in one hand and her thumb in her mouth. However, she does not say Shamu. She doesn’t even try to say Shamu. Nope. Shamu is Boo-bee. I have no idea where that came from. We try to correct it but if we say Shamu, she just looks at it and says Boo-bee. The other one is a bunny that she snuggles with in Josh’s car. The bunny was Abigail’s but she prefers a stuffed bear. For some reason Abigail named the bunny Bunny so we don’t have a creative name for him. However, Madeline has come up with Boo-bah. Now, this is very distinctive and cannot be confused with Boo-bee. We get into the car, get Madeline’s seat belt on and place Boo-bah in her lap. Whatever makes her happy!
Madeline continues to grow up and I am seeing more of my baby slipping away and a toddler starting to sprout in front of my eyes. I am trying to take it all in because I know I will soon see a little girl in front of me.
I found it fun to watch Abby and Sprite play in that new "Oh, okay, we play with EACH OTHER" phase and Madeline, who was almost one at the time, outskirting their venue, watching them interact, and grabbing the toy when she thought they were distracted. To be that young and already all-knowing spells and interesting life ahead of you.
She speaks Hebrew! Boo-bah (בובה)is the Hebrew word for doll! Brilliant!
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