I love contributing to the Spin Cycle from Sprite’s Keeper. I don’t do it often enough because even though she generously gives us a week to spin, I just can spin any time into my spinning schedule which is spinning out of control.
What is even better is when I spin the spin! I like being able to get my creative juices flowing. This week’s spin is on perfection. But since I am already perfect (you can stop laughing now) I realized I was stating “Perfect. Just what I needed.” After a lot of things the past two weeks:
I went to the school’s Halloween parade to see the girls in costumes. Madeline saw me and started crying immediately. Abigail saw me and started crying two minutes later. Perfect. Just what I needed.
I had to miss Halloween to travel to Singapore for work. This is the second of Abigail’s four Halloweens and first of Madeline’s two Halloweens that I have now missed. Perfect. Just what I needed.
I almost missed my plane heading back home because I fell asleep in the hotel. I set the alarm, thought I hit snooze but I turned off the alarm. I needed to leave the hotel at 4:30 AM and woke up at 5:15 AM for my 6:50 international flight. Thankfully, I made it all the way to Chicago but my bag took 40 minutes to show up on the belt in customs. I ran through O’Hare carrying my laptop briefcase because the handle decided not to work. Almost missed my plane to Orlando. Luggage didn’t make it but I was able to swing by the airport to pick it up from the next flight. And in case you were wondering, it takes about 24 hours to travel to Singapore not counting layovers. Perfect. Just what I needed.
The girls were perfect for Josh. PERFECT. I get home and they melt into piles of whiney. Perfect. Just what I needed.
I had planned a trip to DC to visit some friends. Of course my meeting in Singapore is the same week as the weekend I had planned to go to DC. I couldn’t change my plane tickets and suffer the change fees just because of work. So I was home for 14 hours between my Singapore trip and my DC trip. Perfect. Just what I needed.
We went to a brunch at my friend’s house. The kids were playing in the basement with some of the dads while the moms were upstairs. I went to go check on Abigail (I took only Abigail with me to DC) and proceeded to slip off one of the steps and landed right on my tailbone. It hurts to sit, lay down, and forget about bending over to pick something up. Not to mention this happened right before my 2 hour plane ride back to Orlando. Perfect. Just what I needed.
Abigail wanted me to tie her shoe while I was driving yesterday. Yes, she sits behind the driver's side. I told her that I can't do that and she will have to live. She decided to cry and carry on. I couldn't do this under normal situations so forget about it with a bruised tailbone. So I took off her shoe to which she cried more. Yes. Over a shoe. I put her shoe back on when we got into our driveway because I could get out of the car. She went into the house and took off her shoes. Perfect. Just what I needed.
Last night Josh had a parent teacher night and was going to be home late. I have had both girls at home by myself plenty of times. No big deal. However, everyone decided to test out their lungs. Madeline went to bed and woke up crying. (Teething! Tooth on the top broke through) At the same time, Abigail walked into her bed. I actually had both girls crying at the same time in two different rooms. In stereo where available! Perfect. Just what I needed.
I also came back to work to find out we won a proposal and my manager wants me to work on the award. Great. I can cut back on my other programs, right? Nope. I am now part time on three programs. You do the math. Perfect. Just what I needed.
I also realized that between Halloween, Singapore, and DC, I have some posts to write. Perfect. Just what I needed.
This Spin gave me the laugh I've been needing all day. Perfect. Just what I needed.
Ouch on your tailbone! I think I know how it feels, going on my umpteenth year of pain in the upper buttocks without getting it seen. At least now I know what Ilana and Josh were talking about on Facebook! Hopefully, you're feeling better though. Or get yourself seen soon. Unlike me.
Hey! You know what would be perfect? Seeing you! Love and you're linked!
Perfect, just what I needed! ;)
You poor thing - hope your tailbone heals quickly!
Spin: Perfection
This post made my head hurt! Your'e wonder-woman if I've ever met her!
I hate that you hurt your tailbone. Now you need a donut to sit on! Have a great weekend!
I often use the phrase Perfect, just perfect! Yours works just as well. Hope things settle down for you soon.
I loved the way you spun this. It was PERFECT... just what I needed!
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