Wednesday, October 06, 2010


For some reason, both kids decided to bounce off of the walls this past Sunday. I went to a baby shower and when I called Josh to give him a hard time about giving me the car with no gas in it again, I knew I was coming home to a house of insanity…more so than normal. Abigail decided that listening was a option she didn’t even want to exercise and Madeline was just being dramatic because she was upset that I wasn’t holding her then upset that I was holding her. Just how I want to start off a Sunday night to get into the swing of a full work week.

Josh and I finally just decided to ignore the bad behavior rather than trying to compete with it. We had a lot of time outs but at some point you just give up because they do lose their effect if they have to be done in a row. Unfortunately a 3 year old doesn’t understand go to your room and think about what you have done. Now, we were still correcting behavior but the two of us were just spent and in need of a cocktail. Josh finally told Abigail she was being a PITA. (Pain In The Ass in case you don’t know what I am talking about) I laughed and when she repeated PITA to us with an quizzical look on her face, we just said that she was being a pain today and left it at that.

So Monday morning comes and Madeline is fussing again as I attempt to get the three of us out of the house. We think she is teething because she just fusses for no reason. (Nothing logical equals teething. Right?) I finally just tell Maddy that she will have to sit on the floor and cry for a moment while I get the last minute items corralled before we head out of the door. Abby sits down with Maddy and matter-of-fact says to her:

“Maddy, you are being a PITA.”

I stop in my tracks. “Maddy isn’t a PITA.”

“Yes, she is.”

“Do you even know what that means?”

“Yes, she is being a pain.”

Damn…Smart girl…JOSHUA!!!!!

I called Josh in the car to relay the entire conversation. He just laughed…

We have been watching what we say from a language perspective for so long that cursing has pretty much been erased from our vocabulary. Now we are forced to go to a whole other level and make sure we clean up quips! But I live for quips and one liners! I guess we just have to teach the right ones.

1 comment:

Sprite's Keeper said...

Love this! Sprite is being a PITA as well, especially when it comes to the dogs' wellfare. John was pressure cleaning the back porch on Sunday and Harry was flipping out with the water spraying onto our glass doors. I told him to chill out. "Harry, you're going to have a coranary." She IMMEDIATELY repeated it with glee for John and for her grandparents who showed up later that evening. :-)