Monday, June 07, 2010

Doctors Can Make Me Vomit

Last week we had a weird anomaly. Abigail vomited after a nice morning at the beach. What is weird about this? She has never vomited before other than the usual baby spit up. But never the gut wrenching, abdomen crunching, stuff that can come from not feeling your best. The day started out pretty normal. We had a lot of family in town for Memorial Day and my one plan was to go to the beach. The original plan was to do this on Sunday but after Josh hitting Old Town a little too hard and sleeping until noon, it wasn’t going to work out. Therefore I decided to hit the beach on Monday because it was our last chance (I am not even going to get into the BP oil spill debacle) that weekend. The girls all loaded up in the car, Josh’s mom, Teri, Abigail and Madeline. We had a fabulous time at the beach. I even got a workout schlepping everything onto the beach and then back to the car. We played in the water for about an hour and headed back for lunch. Abby wasn’t even hungry when we got back to the house. She had some crackers and goldfish on the beach but nothing abnormal. After nap time, Abby still didn’t want to eat. She finally drank some water and then 30 minutes later…you know what happened. We turned on the TV and it went downhill very quickly. Poor baby wanted to just sit in the bathroom and “spit up” as she put it. It was sort of hard not to laugh at her sitting on Josh’s lap while hugging the toilet. Finally we got her to bed after she just wanted to keep “spitting up” though there was nothing else that was coming up.

The next day she felt better and even ate a little bagel for breakfast. I decided since she had no fever, said her tummy was feeling better I would take her to school. Poor baby had a tough day. Her teacher said she wasn’t herself and just wanted to lay down. That night was pretty uneventful and she was even perfect when it came for bed time. The next morning I decided to see how she was doing. She had half a cup of milk and one bite of waffle since she had not thrown up in over 24 hours. As we were loading up in the car, Abby threw up again. Of course this time all over the car seat and interior of the car. I won’t even tell you what that smelled like. I decided that I would take her right to the pediatrician after dropping Maddy off at day care.

After the weight and temperature check, (she had no fever, thank you) we proceeded into the waiting room. Thankfully, our pediatrician’s office has walk in hours and I can get right in to see someone. I tell the nurse the whole story and she does her obligatory “hmmm, okay” and states that the doctor will be in soon. The doctor walks in and I have to share the entire story again. I don’t know why doctor’s offices do this. Why do I have to tell the story twice. Let me just tell my story once and be done with it. So the doctor walks in and I rehash everything. The first thing the doctor says is how I shouldn’t have given her milk if she was throwing up. Um, didn’t you listen to me? She hadn’t thrown up in 24 hours and had half a cup of milk. See you even knew that because you were paying attention. Then he told me that I shouldn’t have given her waffles because they are high fat and that just sits in her stomach. First of all, I gave her one waffle and a small douse of syrup. It wasn’t a bagel with cream cheese, waffles, bacon, sausage and eggs slathered with butter. It was one small waffle. Then I told him that when Abby first got sick, she had goldfish crackers and juice. Then I told him how she only ate one chicken nugget for lunch the following day. I even told him that we give her “water juice” which is only about 30% juice. I again got a bit of a tongue lashing for giving her the empty calories of juice instead of something nutritionally better. Not to mention that juice stays in your stomach longer and can cause more vomiting. Should I mention that my kid loves vegetables and shares my salad when I have one? Thanks for the guilt sandwich. I wasn’t even hungry.

The doctor did an exam of Abigail’s eyes, ears, mouth, etc. and then said “I am going to get something off the printer and then we are going to need to talk.” I immediately started to internally freak out. What are we going to need to talk about? What did you find? What are you getting off of the printer? Should I alter life as I know it? The doctor came back and said that Abby is fine but probably just has a bug…that is it…Just don’t give her any dairy for a few days and then handed a prescription of an anti-nausea medication if the vomiting is persistent…Are you kidding me? You just freaked me out and the guilt over a bug? Thanks.

We proceeded home and Abigail took a 4 hour nap. After that, she ate a little dinner and went to bed. The next day, she was almost back to normal and by Friday, she was back to her old self. I am definitely going to go back to our pediatrician and request not to see THAT doctor in the group. I don’t need that sort of pediatric care. I am afraid of what he would say if I brought her in with something more than a stomach bug!


Sprite's Keeper said...

Sorry you had to go through that. I hate the guilt trip we get from doctors who really have no idea what we do. Do you always have to feel like you're defending your right to parent your child?
Glad she was back in tiptop shape for the weekend! Love!

Stacy Uncorked said...

Oh you poor thing! Not only were you worried about poor Abby, but you had to put up with a doctor like that? Just what did he expect you to feed her? Sheesh, sounds like someone needs to go back and relearn his bedside manners! Glad she's feeling better! :)