Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Why Not?

I knew this stage was coming. It is the beginning of the end when your child turns to you and asks why? I know it is just natural curiosity to ask why after a statement when you are young and trying to figure out the world. But…


“It is time to go to school, Abigail”
“Let’s put your shoes on.”
Daddy has to go to work
Dinner is ready!
“Bed time!”
“Can you find my sanity?”

I almost want to make a drinking game out of it. One shot for every time that she says “why?”. Gosh. I would be drunk before I hit my cornflakes! Maybe not the best idea. Especially since I drive the kids to school in the morning.

I really do like the sense of questioning your surroundings and foster the sense of curiosity. I want to teach her to never take things for face value. Question authority! Except mine. Or Daddy’s. Well, Josh can fend for himself.

Both of us are really answering every question that she has because we do not want to squash the questions and the learning. Yesterday Josh told her to put her sneakers on versus her sandals. “Why?” Because the forecast called for rain and therefore not sandal weather. “Why?” Because there is a low pressure system moving in which increases the chance for precipitation. “Oh…” I am sure about 90% of what we said just sort of sailed over her head but we answered the question.

Unfortunately there are situations where I can’t quite get to the “Oh…” moment. As I picked up the girls from day care the other day I told Abigail it was time to go home. “Why?” Because it is getting late. “Why?” Because the sun is going down. “Why?” Because the Earth is rotating. “Why?” Because it does that every 24 hours. “Why?” Because that is the way life is. “Why?” Do you want to watch TV when we get home? Mommy is going to need a break.

I really do like the curiosity. I just have to keep telling myself that.


Why not! Take that!


Sprite's Keeper said...

"Hm, I dunno. Let me look it up and get back to you."
Gets her every time.
By the way, there's a package coming to you with clothes for both Abby and Maddie. And a little throwback to high school in there as well. :-)

Finding Meaning in Jewish Learning said...

Joe is doing the same thing now. My new response when I can't deal with one more "why" is, "because I said so and after that does it really matter?" It throws him for a such a loop that he usually least for a few minutes.

Heather said...

Oh yeah, I don't miss that part AT ALL!

I will be remembering you when my grandson asks Why, which thankfully has gotten less here lately.