Saturday, January 02, 2010

Sleeping, Singing and Warm Fuzzies

We have been enjoying our vacation this week. The girls went back to day care and Josh and I had the week off. It was so nice for us to be able to be just the two of us for a little while. Of course I don't want reality to hit us next week but we got to go back and earn the money. It makes us appreciate being on vacation that much more.

Speaking of the girls, they are growing up more and more. We are having lovely days of being a family of four and watching both kids develop their personalities. Madeline has decided that she doesn't like to nap much but loves the Bjorn. She can seriously be in that thing for hours on end and still be happy. I think she just likes seeing what we see since she can't sit up yet, the Bjorn offers her the best view. We have even started to not take the double stroller out because Maddy doesn't want to be in it. Because she is constantly sitting up in the Bjorn, she doesn't have the chance to sleep much. But if we put her in the stroller to nap, she gets upset because she can't see. It is a never ending loop. Also, we have had to do some tough love when it comes to sleeping through the night. At her four month check up, the doctor told me that she should not be snacking through the night. She should be able to sleep through the night and we need to break the habit of her snacking very quickly. Otherwise she will get in the habit of not sleeping through the night until she is 23. Just kidding. So Josh had to start taking the monitor to check on her if she wakes up. Simply put, if she sees/smells him then she knows no food is coming. If she sees/smells me, she just wants to be soothed and eat. Poor Josh. But it is getting a lot better. Madeline is sleeping about 11 hours a night. THANK GOODNESS.

Abigail is also getting cuter and cuter. It is amazing to watch life through her eyes. We are having more and more fun with her every day. One of the really great things that we have started to do is to sing together. Now, this may not seem like a major accomplishment but before now, she would either want to sing by herself or have you sing to her. We are all about songs in this family so there is a lot of singing. Abby likes for us to even make up songs. She will ask us to sing a song about birds, grass, or firetrucks. Whatever she sees. Sort of like a singing version of the game "I Spy". Lots of fun. My firetruck song has been with us for awhile (Firemen ride firetrucks and firetrucks say "WOOOOOOOO". It is a Becca original. I should copyright it) But lately, she has been directing us to sing with her. Yesterday, she was singing the Itsey Bitsy Spider and then we heard "Mommy, sing!". I started singing and then heard "Daddy, sing!" Josh started singing and we all were having such a great time. Tonight was the best by far. I was giving Abby a bath while Josh had Madeline in the Bjorn doing dishes in the kitchen. Abby asked me for a hot dog song. Ummm, I don't know any hot dog songs so I, again, made one up. Ruff, ruff, pant, pant, HOT DOG! I could make money doing this! Anyways, she loved it. So much so that she started singing it with me. We were face to face singing a silly song together. We even took our show downstairs and showed Josh.

Oh, the warm family fuzzies. Life is good.

1 comment:

Sprite's Keeper said...

I don't think a Norman Rockwell painting has it this good. :-)
How can I learn the fireman song? I think you'll get an instant fan over here!