Friday, October 16, 2009

2 Months Already

I am amazed how quickly two months can pass by. I actually am going to be back at work two weeks from this Monday. I don't know if this time things have moved faster or not but it sure seems like it.

The second time around has been easier yet more challenging. With Abigail, Josh was home with me, which was good and bad. Great because I love being with him and we got to share the experience of being first time parents together. Bad because he didn't have a job. All in all, I rather be home alone this time with him gainfully employed.

Madeline has sort of gotten into a bit of a rhythm. Getting her to bed used to take 45-60 minutes. That meant feeding for 15-20 minutes and rocking her for the rest before she would drift off to sleep. Now it is 15-20 minutes to feed her and only 5-10 minutes for her to go to sleep. I like this much better. What was the real tease was that earlier in the week, she slept 8 hours straight! I couldn't believe it. I woke up and bolted upright thinking something was wrong. As I strained to listen to her breathing on the monitor, I lay in bed wondering if I should go in and check on her or not. Of course that happened for 10 minutes until she did start to stir. Whew. Now, that hasn't happened since but I am hopeful.

What is more trying is when I am home with both girls by myself. Since Josh leaves for work at 6 AM, there is no reason for Abby to be at school that early so I take her in later around 8:30 AM. However, I usually have to start my morning around 5 AM when Maddy wakes up and then I put her back to bed so I can get dressed and eat a little breakfast before the 2 year old awakes usually around 7. I know that you are thinking that 5 AM is a little ridiculous but by the time I do all my stuff, I would only get a little nap. I would rather get a longer nap when I return home from my exciting morning of getting Abigail to school and running my exciting errands like Publix and Walmart. You know you are jealous.

Some mornings go without a hitch. Abigail wakes up in a good mood and gets dressed while Madeline is sleeping. I get Abby set up with breakfast and go get Madeline out of her crib. I am able to juggle very successfully and get everyone in the car, fed, teeth brushed and Abigail with her milk and "water juice". Some mornings, they both are crying at the same time and I try not to cry myself or lose my temper. Thankfully it happens very infrequently so I can't complain. This week we had a few bumps. One of the days there was an accident on the way to day care and it took me an extra 30 minutes to get to school. Madeline cried the entire time and I knew it was gas related because she ate just before we left. Unfortunately there was not much I could do for her but let her cry to move the bubbles. Then yesterday I accidentally left my keys in the car and Josh accidentally hit the lock button on the car key before he left for work. It wasn't until I had Abigail in the garage and Madeline in her car seat ready to go into the car that I realized the problem. Josh HAULED back home and even took Abby to school. Thank goodness for first period planning.

So we are just working through the every day challenges of having two kids at home. Josh is wonderful enough to try to give me a break on the weekends by taking the 2 AM feeding. However, I am worried with work starting soon that Madeline will keep the 2 AM feeding. Hopefully she will get back to sleeping 8 hours. The next challenge is going to be getting me and both girls out of the house on time for me to get to work. Wish me luck.

My beautiful babies:

1 comment:

Sprite's Keeper said...

Damn straight, I'm jealous. I can see so much of both of you in Madeline and now I can see some of Abby there too. Squeeze those little girls for me! Love!