Abby has definitely decided that while Josh and I are always on the same side when it comes to parenting, she can push all of my buttons lately. I don't know how much of it is the fact that she knows I usually have Madeline in my arms or that she knows she is two years old. We have had to start hiking up the time outs because she just gives us that "I don't want to listen to you because (fill in the blank)" look. Today we went to Lowes to pick up some mulch for the front yard. Yes, I know you are jealous that we lead such exciting lives. We took separate cars so we could fit as much mulch in the car as possible. Josh had Abby in his car and I had Madeline. I knew that Abby was not going to make it to Lowes without having to stop to go the bathroom because she refused to go before we left. I definitely wasn't going to schlep Abigail, the potty seat, and Madeline to take Abby to the potty. We got to Lowe's with one quick stop to the Publix bathroom and managed to get everything we needed. It was our first outing with just the four of us and felt pretty liberating, as sad as that sounds. I piled the girls with me and Josh had the mulch and the cow manure in his car. Sucker!
On the way home from Lowes, Maddy started to fuss because it was time to eat again. No problem except we were going to be home in 5 minutes. I wasn't going to stop and feed her especially when I knew that she could wait 5 minutes. As soon as I turned into Wedgefield, Abigail asked if we could go to the park. I thought for 2 seconds and said sure! I called Josh behind me and said we should go to the park. It would let her have fun and I could feed Maddy. Josh told me he was stopping at the corner gas station for some drinks since it was getting hot outside but would be there 2 minutes later.
I get everyone out of the car and Abigail heads right for the slide, which she can maneuver herself. I sat on the bench to start to nurse Madeline. No sooner did I start to relax did Abby run over to me saying Potty! Potty!. Great...I asked her if she could wait for Daddy to come and she said no. I called Josh and he was still a few minutes away. I knew that Madeline was going to freak out if I stopped nursing but if I didn't take Abby to the potty, then things were going to get really bad. So I did what any mother would do. Keep nursing Maddy while taking Abby to the potty. I kept Maddy eating while headed for the bathroom. I got out the potty seat with one hand and put Abby on the potty. Success! Madeline only missed one beat but kept eating. I put everything away with my one hand and headed out of the bathroom at the park just as Josh was walking towards the bathroom. I just turned to him and said "I think I get an award for that."
So necessity may be the mother of all inventions but mother is the necessity of invention .
That is definitely a talent and I am LOVING the play on words in your title! One thing though, I don't think you can take that show on the road..
Nice. Big mommy bonus points for you.
WOW!!!!!! I bow down to you oh mother of multi talents!!!! I don't know how you did it and I am sure we all find ourselves in similar predicaments but that one was awesome!!! It definately beats me having my 6 year old pee into a diaper because his dad left me in the car with the other monkeys while he went into the pet store and thought that Little Kong was just faking it to get out of the rule!
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