Thursday, August 20, 2009

From A Trio to A Quartet

We have had another life changing experience this past week. We welcomed into the world Madeline Sara Katz.

Isn't she beautiful?

Here are the stats:
Born August 12, 2009
7:49 AM
7 lbs, 11 ozs
19 3/4 inches long

Sorry to disappoint but we didn't stick with the name Cletus. Madeline Sara honors my Papa Mickey and Josh's Grandma Shirley. Unfortunately we lost both of them within the past two years. We are lucky that they got to meet Abigail at least but we decided rather quickly who we were going to name Madeline after. What is really funny (you won't find it funny) was that we had always talked about "the list" that we had for baby names. We had NO intention of sharing them with anyone until we saw our new baby. With Abby we had a list of two girl names and two boy names (since we didn't find out the sex) but we were leaning more towards Abigail. This time we told everyone we have a list but honestly Madeline Sara was the only thing on the list. We are so sneaky.

It is going to take me a few posts to go through everything that has changed in the past week starting the morning of August 12 and even the few days leading up to it.

1 comment:

Sprite's Keeper said...

Can't wait to read it! Can't wait to meet her either!