1. Craigslist: I am an avid Craigslist visitor (stalker). I visit that site pretty much every week. You never know what you are going to find on there and if I am looking for something in particular, I may stalk it every day. I have been able to get some great things on there but that is another post for another day. Maybe this week if you are lucky! Anyways, I was on there and someone posted a huge package of Elmo gear. Since Elmo is currently a staple at our house, I decided to read the post. This person had books, toys and even an Elmo potty seat (used? eww)that they were willing to trade items for. Reading further I decided to see what sort of items they wanted to trade for it since my curiosity was peaked. Some items were basic for a kids section of Craigslist: swing set accessories, playground accessories, light toys, gift certificates, items that would interest a 4 year old girl, etc. What totally just made my jaw drop was items like this: new sexy lingerie, gently used costumes from a foreplay catalog, Nextel cell, microdermabrasion, professional teeth whitening, pest control or bedding ("4 my mans hous") and a firearm. I can't even make this up. You can go ahead and pick your jaw off of the floor too.
2. Bluetooth: About 3 years ago, Josh and I got Bluetooth headsets so we could talk on the phone in the car without taking our hands off of the wheel. This was more important when Josh was selling insurance because he was always in his car and his cell phone was his work line. What really amazes me is people who HAVE to have them in their ears at all times. Josh and I will joke that we are "that guy" if we forget to take our Bluetooth out. Our headsets reside in the car, where we use them. I don't need to be walking through Publix with it. I even was in an all day work meeting (10 hour meeting) the other day and this guy in there had his in his ear. And he only answered his phone once...during the whole meeting. Yes, I counted to see if there was a vital reason for this device to be in his ear. Obviously, there wasn't. I just don't get how people think that a Bluetooth in your ear symbolizes that you are THAT important that you can't take the .26 seconds to answer the phone with your hand. What really makes me scratch my head is when I see people talking into their phone WHILE the Bluetooth is in their ear. If your Bluetooth isn't working, take it out. Your ear is not a docking station.
3. Wisdom: I know that we should all respect our elders and take in the sage advice that they bless us with. But boy, do I get it so much more with being pregnant. One of my favorite lines that I just don't get is when someone asks you about something simple, like "Are you putting a pillow in the crib?" When you say no because pediatricians recommend not having anything in the crib because they can pose a suffocation hazard. Inevitably, I get a comment back stating "Well, I did it with my kids and they turned out fine." With that logic, why bother getting a polio vaccine or wear a seat belt in the car. Some people made it through life without a either of these. Maybe I should just run across the interstate and if I make it without getting hit, then everyone should do it. I mean, I would turn out fine so that means everyone who does it will be fine. Right?Anyone is able to do whatever they want. It is their life but if the only justification you have to support your argument is "Well, I did it and nothing happened" then you have other issues.
Some things I just don't get.
The bluetooth thing slays me. I'll catch John with it in his ear and ask him to fish it out before I yank it out. I personally don't like anything attached to my ear and declined when John offered to buy me one.
How's Cletus? :-)
Does it really only take.26 seconds to answer the phone??
Cletus is having a party in there and I wasn't invited.
Yes Sue, .26 seconds. I timed it.
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