Monday, June 01, 2009

I Just Don't Get It

Jen over at Sprite's Keeper does a post every Tuesday entitled "Random Tuesday Thoughts". I always admired the fact that she blogs every single day. (I have to motivate myself to make my lunch every day let alone blog. Of course the fact that I am frugal means that I will take the time to make my lunch every day.) What I really admire is the fact that she only has random thoughts on Tuesdays only. I have about 30 random thoughts just on the way to work so I don't know that I could even consolidate them to just one day a week and one post. Maybe I just don't want proof when the men in white coats come to take me away.

Therefore, I decided to modify her Tuesday thoughts and just post about things that "I just don't get" with maybe the hopes that someone may enlighten me. Maybe someone will tell me that I have to get on the bandwagon because it will be beneficial to me or someone will just jump on my bandwagon and tell me these things are truly insane. I am really hoping for the latter. Really.

Three things I don't get:

1. Talking on your cell phone while in the bathroom. Especially public bathrooms. Unless someone is picking up the phone for a life saving conversation, I don't see the need to not wait the three minutes it takes someone to use the bathroom. How do I know that their conversation is not life saving? BECAUSE THEY ARE IN A PUBLIC BATHROOM AND EVERYONE HEARS THEIR CONVERSATION. I am not talking about having a quick pick up and a 2 second "I will call you back in three minutes" type of conversation. I am talking about very personal and long conversations. I don't know if people just don't realize the physics of sound bouncing very well off tile bathrooms. Especially when the floors and even walls are tiled like most public bathrooms. You are going to Olive Garden for dinner next week. We get it.

2. Wearing a cowboy hat into work. Anyone who knows where I work and the fact that I live in Orlando, Florida knows this is not something that is normal. If I worked on a cattle ranch in the middle of Texas, that is one thing. But to see someone walking around work with a cowboy hat. I am talking about a very large, white, Stetson. All he was missing was a horse. I guess that would make for problems getting a horse in the office. And it wasn't even Halloween! I have been searching for a reason but have to chalk this up to something I just don't get.

3. People who get irritated when I drive because I let off of the gas pedal while approaching a red light. I even play a game with people who speed past me, mad I am only doing the speed limit, just for me to meet them at the next red light. Do people not realize that speeding to a red light does not make them get to their destination any quicker? If we were on an interstate and I was traveling 70 MPH and the person wanted to go 75 MPH, then they would have ever right to be irritated if I didn't let them pass me. (I do try to drive in the right lane unless I am passing people though I have been passed on the right hand side even in the right lane. Yes, passed on the shoulder.) I understand that in an hour, this person will be 5 miles ahead of me. I will throw a parade for them.

Stay tuned for more of "I just don't get it" coming to a blog near you.

1 comment:

Sprite's Keeper said...

Becca, when I saw that you had updated, I actually said, "Ooh! Becca!" Did so!
RTT was something started by Keely at the Un Mom and I liked it so I create a post and add to it when I get an idea. It kind of writes itself! And I do have a lot more random thoughts, the ones I post are just the ones that made it through the filter.
I love your title! I don't get it either why people have cell conversations in the restroom. I would probably make it a point to show up to Olive Garden and add myself to their guest list since they surely were inviting me too, right? I was in the next stall, I got the info, I wanna breadstick.
And Number three? Every morning, I think I applaud at least 2 people who speed past me just to hit the red light first.
I miss you!