Monday, May 04, 2009

Making Mole Hills Out of Mountains

I am doing a spin on a spin! Is that allowed or it just makes people more dizzy? As EVERYONE knows, Sprite's Keeper does a weekly spin. About half of the time, I find time to contribute to the topic of the week. I try to get onto the same Sprite wavelength and see if I have something blogworthy that matches the weekly Spin. This week's spin is entitled "Making Mountains Out of Molehills". However, as you noticed by the title, I am making mole hills out of mountains and just letting things that are seriously driving me nuts just slide.

I normally have a few vents here and there but I think I am a pretty low key person. I don't get super upset at the drop of a hat and, as even Josh can attest, I am not even an extremely hormonal pregnant woman. Now, don't get me wrong, I have my moments as every person does. But I figured if I just vent some of my frustration here, then I can just let it go. That way the huge issues become more like mole hills instead of mountains.

Of course Josh may be on the loosing end of this and be the recipient if all of my mole hills build up to one giant Mount Vesuvius. But I will leave that to him to use to make his own mountain...or mole hill.

My mole hills:
  1. Josh insists on bringing home his lunch box and putting it onto the kitchen counter ON TOP of the cutting board. I have tried to move the cutting board to no avail. You would think with a 3,200 square foot house that he would find somewhere on the floor to put it. But no.
  2. Why when I ask a certain family member how they are doing I have to get every detail of how they are doing? I really didn't want to know about the diarrhea you had over the weekend and then hear how you don't think people want to hear about it but you have to rehash it.
  3. A lady at work likes to come into my cubicle and talk about things that are either not my problem or there is nothing I can do to help her. I understand that everyone needs to vent sometimes but she likes to come in here a lot and she smells. Like feet. Old feet.
  4. We have three strollers yet Abby keeps wanting me to hold her. I love holding her but physically it is getting a little hard. This may be more of a mole hill right now until I am in too much pain to pick her up. Then it will be a mountain.
  5. I have a family member who likes to make everything so much harder then it needs to be. A simple task or question turns into months (literally) of phone calls to work out logistics that don't need to be worked out.
  6. A guy at work keeps wanting me to do his work for him. I get paid for my job and you get paid for yours. We aren't sharing a pay check so I don't see why I need to share your work with you. I have plenty of my own, thank you.
  7. I am six months pregnant and getting up and down off of the floor is getting harder. Yet I am still going to go home tonight and clean the bathroom...Kitchen got cleaned last night.
  8. In my spare time, I like to cross stitch. But the major word here is spare time. I honestly can't remember the last time I stitched. Maybe in March?
  9. I have worked my 40 hour week by Thursday the last two weeks. Now you can understand number 8 a little better.
  10. I have a beautiful little girl who just turned two. See last post for more on that.
  11. Work has so much drama. I work with someone who always talks badly about other people. It is hard to listen and not slap them across the face. They will talk with person A, B, and C to talk about person D and if B doesn't show up, they will talk about B too. Very negative.
  12. I love how people regard maternity leave as a vacation. Then the look on my face forces them to blurt out "well, it really isn't a vacation, is it." Hmmm. Sleeping for no more than 2 hours at a time, nursing and cleaning up all sorts of secretions isn't exactly what I call vacation. I don't see me asking Josh to plan our next vacation somewhere poop filled.
  13. I have also gotten people saying recently "Wow! I didn't know you were pregnant!" Seriously people? Do you think I was just getting fat? I don't have any swelling except in my belly so I can't believe you didn't at least think I was pregnant.
  14. People where I work have no idea of professional attire. Thankfully I work in a "business casual" atmosphere so I don't have to wear a business suit but wearing skin tight clothes is not exactly office attire. I work with a lady who likes to wear sleeveless tops and mini skirts then walks around here complaining how cold she is. Yes, you are skinny and weigh 90 lbs. We get it. Go put some clothes on. I also ran into a lady who was wearing a tan suit, white button up shirt and a loose men's tie. Ummm. The 80's called and wants their look back.
  15. Why do people on Facebook keep sending me hugs and causes? It is like virtual chain mail. I do appreciate the thoughts but do I not think that you hate me if you don't send me a virtual hug or flower pot.
  16. We normally get up for work at 5:30 in the morning. It is early but it is far easier for us to get ready before we get Abigail up at 6:15. That way we can devote 100% of our attention to her and it really helps the insanity that is leaving to go to work. So this morning the power decided to cut out...on our block only...from 5:40 to 6:30...Nothing like getting ready by flashlight. Just one more thing we didn't need in our routine.
  17. I had to take a training course online. It had computer generized people talking and hand movements to make them look real. They even blinked! However, their mouths just opened and closed like a muppet. Who paid money to make sure these things look realistic to include eye blinking but their mouths just open and closed while forming words like book. Creeped me out.
  18. I am leaving this one open because I am sure every day I think of more I am going to add to it. Feel free to come back and check up!

I know that most of these things may seem trivial and right now I am treating them as such. They will remain mole hills until I go to bloggy therapy again (aka rant about something in a post).

Whew. Is my time up, doc?


Sprite's Keeper said...

Wow! Deep breath, Becca!
Feeling better now? I absolutely love the way you bulletpointed it! But, that's the way you think, so I totally understood it. I love your Spin on it and never thought anyone would turn it around, but you totally did and you rock for that! (By the way, I referenced you in tomorrow's post. You'll remember why..) You're linked!

Bex said...

you work and your mom and your pregnant and you clean house? you are superwoman!