In my infinite wisdom, I decided to take this potty thing one step further. I found an Elmo Potty video at the library. How could I go wrong? Abigail's favorite character teaching her the potty. I am her mother and I know she has no intentions of listening to me. It is one of the relationships all daughters have with their mothers (HEHEHE) Anyways, I figured I would get this video since it was free from the library. If it didn't work, no worries.

Since Abby doesn't have the patience to sit in front of the television for long periods of time, I wanted to watch the video first to see if it was even worth it. It is only a 45 minute video but if it doesn't have Elmo front and center for most of it, I am in trouble.
Minor tangent, we come home every day from school and watch TV. It is my snuggle time with her because she sits on my lap in the recliner and we talk about what is on the show. Animals, shapes, colors, etc. Recently Abby has switched from watching Little Einsteins to requesting Elmo. Now, I can't just turn on Sesame Street and play it for her. I have to fast forward (thank you DVR) to the Elmo's World segment about 35 minutes into the 60 minute show. But that is fine because, like I said, she won't really sit for more than 20-30 minutes at a time anyways and watch. The show is very cute and has a central theme to tie it all together. Once the show is over and dinner is ready, the TV goes off. That is the rule.
So after dinner and bed time the other night, Josh pops the video in. It features Elmo's dad talking about the potty and how Elmo learned to go "pee pee and poo poo" in the potty. I then hear this snickering in the background. Yes, it is Josh laughing.
Me: What is so funny?
Josh: Pee pee...Poo poo
Me: Seriously?
Elmo: Pee pee and poo poo in the potty.
Josh: :: Laughing ::
Me: Are you kidding me?
Josh: Pee pee and poo poo in the potty...::laughing::
Me: Seriously...How old are you?
Josh: Ummm....
Yeah. I am seriously married to a 5 year old. I had a feeling I was already raising two children but this just puts the icing on the cake.
1 comment:
Bwahaha! Welcome to my world!
Or as Gordon would say, "Or in Spanish, you say Numero Uno and Numero Dos!"
It does give me the idea to sit the kid down in front of the dvd on her potty and hopefully get a couple of freebies out of it.
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